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康考迪亚大学拥有一支由经验丰富的基督教教育者组成的强大师资队伍,他们忠实于大学“赋予学生权力”的使命. . . for lives of learning, service, and leadership.“我们的学生受益于教育工作者,他们信奉仆人式领导的原则,尊重学生,同时推动他们充分发挥潜力.

  • Kellie Albrecht Albrecht, Kellie L.
  • Assistant Dean, School of Education
  • Ph.D. in Education, Chapman University
  • Beta 207 B
  • (949) 214-3354
Kellie Albrecht

副院长|高级主任教育博士(编.D.) in Leadership Program

Dr. Kellie Albrecht是教育学院的副院长, Senior Director of the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership program, and a Professor of Education. She is responsible for Ed.D. program operations, program development and improvement, faculty training, curriculum development and assessment, and advising doctoral students with their dissertation research. Dr. 阿尔布雷希特曾担任教育效率委员会(EEC)主席。, 学术委员会及院校检讨委员会委员.

Prior to teaching in higher education, Dr. Albrecht是一名小学教育家,教过一年级、四年级、五年级和六年级. Dr. 阿尔布雷希特在城市学校的教学经历激发了她在不同环境下进行教育的热情. 她与文化多样性和代表性不足的儿童一起工作的经验导致了她对英语语言发展和差异化教学实践的兴趣. Additionally, Dr. Albrecht是四个孩子的母亲,她最大的是一对同卵双胞胎男孩. Dr. 阿尔布雷希特的博士论文是一篇解释性现象学分析,侧重于将双胞胎识别为一个文化群体, which investigated individual needs for educating twins. The dissertation is titled, 超越结合的声音:对成年同卵双胞胎的定性研究.

Dr. Albrecht在高等教育方面的经验包括MAED项目的开发和改进, faculty training and professional development, 为研究生和研究生质的研究项目提供建议, teaching undergraduate, graduate, and multiple and single subject credential courses, supervising student teachers in the field, assessing teaching performance assessments (TPAs), and facilitating TPA student workshops.

Areas of Expertise

  • 定性研究方法论:行动研究、扎根理论、解释性
  • Phenomenological Analysis, Case Study
  • Twins’ Research
  • Differentiated Instructional Practices
  • English Language Development
  • Classroom Management
  • Curriculum Design, Assessment, and Evaluation
  • Distance Learning: Online Asynchronous & Synchronous, Blended/Hybrid
  • Program/Course Development, Design, and Improvement
  • Technological Pedagogy
  • Doyle, Lori Doyle, Lori
  • Director, M.A. Educational Leadership 
  • Remote
  • (949) 214-3348
Doyle, Lori

Director, M.A. Educational Leadership


我的教育生涯始于高中阶段,我喜欢教多年的英语和神学课程. 我担任ASB顾问和篮球教练的职位为我与学生建立联系提供了额外的途径. 在担任学校公关主任的几年时间里,我开始在菲律宾十大网赌网站教书, Irvine, in 2002. 当时,我在CUAccelerate项目任教,这是一个校内和在线混合的项目. 搬到亚利桑那州后,我在凤凰城大学(University of Phoenix)执教了五年,在那里我教授了包括说明文在内的一系列写作课程, research, and technical writing. While I enjoyed that post, 我决定从事教育领域的课程,并开始在大峡谷大学教授研究生和本科课程. In 2012, 我很高兴再次加入CUI的行列,担任MAED课程的教育学教授 & Instruction program. 我还担任以下MAEd课程的主题专家:课程设计与评估(edut / edut 520), Coping with Stress and Violence in Today's Classrooms (EDU 524), and Educational Discourse: Change and Reform (EDU 550). My role as Program Director for Curriculum & 指导提供了与其他教师一起工作的机会,并与所提供的所有课程保持同步. 我目前正在大峡谷大学攻读心理学博士学位,研究方向是认知与指导. 我真的很喜欢网络课堂,也很期待每一个新学期的开始.

  • Robin Gomes Gomes, Robin
  • Assistant Professor, School of Education
  • M.A.Ed, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University- Irvine
  • Beta 207E
  • (949) 214-3342
Kellie Albrecht

Assistant Professor of Education


罗宾·戈麦斯(Robin Gomes)在路德教会的教育领域服务了20多年. Before serving at Concordia University, Robin worked as a teacher, assistant principal, 内华达和加利福尼亚的路德教会小学校长. Throughout that time, Robin led in the areas of teacher recruitment and retention, curriculum and assessment, and school consultancy in the Pacific Southwest District.

Robin is married to Domingo, 她是在康考迪亚大学上学时认识的一位中学老师. They have two college-age children. 他们的消遣包括看音乐剧、去迪斯尼乐园、享受海滩和打棒球.


  • M.A.教育,课程与教学,康考迪亚大学,欧文,2007
  • California Multiple Subject Clear Teaching Credential, 2000
  • B.A.,行为科学:人类学,康考迪亚大学,1999
  • Kent Schlichtemeier Schlichtemeier, Kent
  • Director, Servant Leadership Institute
  • Ed.D.,加州大学洛杉矶分校教育领导学教授
  • Beta 107 A/B
  • (949) 214-3256

Director, Servant Leadership Institute

Kent Schlichtemeier

Degrees Earned

  • Ed.D.,加州大学洛杉矶分校教育领导学教授
  • M.A., Denver University
  • B.A., Concordia Teachers College, Seward, NE


Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier is a teacher. 1978年,他开始了他的教学生涯,在加州奥克斯纳德教6 -8年级. 1984年在丹佛大学获得硕士学位后, 他在奥兰多继续他的高中教学生涯, FL. Dr. 施利希特迈尔曾在康考迪亚大学教育学院任职, Irvine from 1988-2003 where he mentored future teachers. In addition to teaching at Concordia, Dr. 施利希特迈尔在1993年退役攻读博士学位之前一直担任女子篮球教练. During the final two seasons of his tenure as coach, 女鹰篮球队在赢得金州体育大会冠军后,连续两次参加全国篮球锦标赛. Dr. Schlichtemeier在1992年和1993年被评为NAIA三区年度最佳教练,并于2006年被选入康科迪亚体育名人堂. Dr. 从2003年到2007年,Schlichtemeier担任Orange Lutheran High School的教师和副校长, before returning to teach at Concordia University. He enjoys frequent opportunities to speak at sports banquets, school graduations, athletic camps, teacher conferences, and leadership retreats.

Areas of Expertise

  • Instructional Leadership
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Assessment
  • Organizational Culture
  • School Climate
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Action Research
  • Yvette Stuewe Stuewe, Yvette
  • Assistant Professor of Education
  • 教育博士候选人:诺瓦东南大学教学技术与远程教育
  • Beta 203 A
Yvette Stuewe

Assistant Professor of Education

助理教授Yvette Stuewe教授硕士课程和教师资格认证课程. Professor Stuewe has served in Lutheran education for 28 years. Her educational experience spans across St. 约翰路德教会学校,奥兰治路德教会高中,以及欧文康考迪亚大学. In addition to 27 years of classroom experience, steewe教授曾担任各种领导职务,包括课程领导主席, Induction mentor, 奥兰治县教育部私立学校队列的入职助理首席导师, Conference Presenter, President of the Lutheran Educators Conference Committee, Director of Curriculum, WASC Visiting Team Member, and Associate Director of Orange Lutheran Online. In February of 2023, 她在奥斯汀举行的全国数字学习年会(DLAC)上发表了演讲, Texas.

斯图威教授是一个小组的成员,该小组试点了一个一对一的中学笔记本电脑项目, and she taught in a one-to-one setting for fourteen years, 获得许多不同学习平台和数字工具的经验. She is a National Board Certified Teacher. 她真正把教学视为一门艺术,重视反思性教学实践. 她不仅在制作有效的课程和与学生建立关系方面找到了激情, 她还发现了与其他教育工作者合作的巨大价值. 斯图维教授目前正在攻读诺瓦东南大学的教学技术和远程教育博士学位.


  • 教育博士候选人:诺瓦东南大学教学技术与远程教育
  • M.A. Curriculum and Instruction,Concordia University Irvine
  • 康考迪亚大学欧文分校多学科教学证书
  • B.S. 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校历史学学士学位

Areas of Expertise

  • Instructional Design
  • Planning and Assessment
  • Instructional Technology
  • Online and Distance Learning
  • Reflective Teaching Practices
  • Tarbutton, Tanya Tarbutton, Tanya
  • Senior Director, MA Programs
  • Beta 207 E
  • (949) 214-3593
Tarbutton, Tanya

Senior Director, MA Programs


Dr. Tanya Tarbutton是MAED的教育助理教授和项目主任, School Administration emphasis. Prior to joining Concordia University, Dr. 塔巴顿曾在南加州的几所高等教育机构担任主管和讲师, mentoring and supporting new administrators and teachers. 在这个职位上,她为21世纪的教学和学习评估和准备行政候选人和教师候选人. Dr. Tarbutton还参加了专注于转型变革的学术顾问委员会,并在国际会议上发表了演讲. Before entering higher education, Dr. Tarbutton worked as a site based school administrator, resource teacher and general education teacher. 作为一名移民,她在20多年的职业经验中带来了独特的视角.


  • Ed.D, Educational Leadership & Management, Alliant International University, San Diego, CA.
  • M.A., School Administration, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
  • M.A.,课程与教学,阿苏萨太平洋大学,阿苏萨,加州.
  • B.A., Elementary Education, Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • B.A., Sociology Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada

Areas of Expertise

  • Curriculum Development and Alignment
  • Mentorship and Support of Administrators and Teachers
  • Instructional Platforms and Strategies
  • Catherine Webb Webb, Catherine
  • Director, MAED Educational Administration
  • Ed.D. Instructional Leadership, Argosy University
  • Beta 107 B
  • (949) 214-3598
Webb, Catherine


Degrees Earned

  • Ed.D., Instructional Leadership, Argosy University, 2007
  • MAEd., Supervision and Administration, University of Phoenix, 2002
  • B. A., History, University of California, Los Angeles, 1995
  • B. A.,地理/环境研究,加州大学洛杉矶分校,1995年


Dr. 凯瑟琳·韦伯是教育学教授,也是加州行政人员绩效评估(CalAPA)协调员。. 她任职于Concordia University Irvine的机构审查委员会,是EDUA 516的主题专家, EDUA 517, EDUA 561, EDUA562和EDUA563 (MAEd 8门行政课程中的5门. program). Dr. 韦伯是一名通才,目前教授教育技术, Administration, MAEd项目的课程和教学课程以及博士项目的论文研讨会.

Dr. Webb served as a K-8 teacher, special education teacher, site administrator, 在加州和亚利桑那州担任了超过15年的地区管理员. 她在两个州都持有清晰的行政服务证书和清晰的教学证书. Dr. 韦伯为她的论文进行了辩护,主题是专业学习社区的效力以及学校改进举措对学生学业成绩的影响. Dr. 韦伯的专长在于课程、教学和评估、管理和技术. Dr. 韦伯担任顾问和专业发展主持人, serving school districts nationwide. Dr. Webb has worked in Higher Education since 2007.

Areas of Expertise

  • Technology
  • 21st century Teaching and Learning
  • Classroom Management
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • Diverse Learners
  • School Improvement
  • Common Core Standards
  • Action Research
  • APA
  • Tim YoungYoung, Timothy
  • Ed.D. Educational Leadership, University of California, Los Angeles
  • (949) 214-3347
Timothy Young


Degrees Earned

  • Ed.加州大学洛杉矶分校教育领导学博士
  • M.S.加州州立大学富勒顿分校教育管理系教授
  • M.A., Spiritual Formation, Biola University, La Mirada, CA
  • M.S., Educational Counseling, National University, San Diego, CA
  • B.A., Psychology, Biola University, La Mirada, CA
  • Administrative Services Credential
  • 加州学生人事服务证书:学校咨询


Dr. 蒂姆·杨目前在教育学院担任PPOHA(促进西班牙裔美国人毕业后的机会)拨款主任和教育总监.D mentor and Assistant Professor. This grant, awarded to Concordia in 2023 by the U.S. Department of Education, focuses on enrolling and equipping future Hispanic teachers, school administrators, and K-12 district leaders. Dr. Young致力于为研究生创造在学位课程中脱颖而出的机会,并消除学生获得和成功的障碍.

Prior to joining Concordia, Dr. 杨曾担任先锋大学负责学生事务和校园运营的副校长. 在此职位上,他领导学生事务和校园运营部门. 他有领导和发展团队的经验,通过开发针对西班牙裔服务机构的项目和服务来促进学生的成功. He also has extensive experience with university operations.

他的研究重点是了解不同文化背景的学生的需求,识别和消除攻读学位的学生所面临的挑战, 特别关注非裔美国学生在基督教大学的经历.

Dr. 杨还在包括路德教会小学在内的各种K-12设置中担任教师和学校辅导员, a comprehensive high school, community day school, and an alternative education high school.

Additionally, Dr. 杨是约书亚基督徒辅导基金会的创始人, 一个致力于指导牧师和基督教领袖的非营利组织. 透过这个组织,他提供资源和支持,鼓励终身服事.

Dr. 杨还担任教会和非营利组织的战略规划和组织发展顾问, 将他的热情用于提高组织的健康和效率.

Areas of Expertise

  • Higher Education
  • Educational Leadership
  • School Counseling
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Organizational Change
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Title IX Administration
  • Student Conduct Administration
  • Mentoring Culture  
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